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The SMICE project is completed

The goal of the SMICE project was to build capacity for transition to a circular economy in Jämtland, Härjedalen and Trøndelag. The project took place between 17 May 2017 and 31 Dec 2020.

SMICE stands for Co-creating Mid-Nordic Innovation Arena for Circular Economy. The SMICE project was a Swedish-Norwegian collaboration and was owned by Region Jämtland Härjedalen and Trøndelag County Municipality. The project's total budget was € 2,946,044, of which 50% was financed by Interreg Sweden Norway.

Swedish partners were Mid Sweden University, Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Mittnordenkommittén and Norra Station. On the Norwegian side, the County Governor of Trøndelag, Indre Fosen Municipality, Norges Vel, Næringshagen in the Orkdal region, Meldal Municipality, Nasjonalparken Næringshage, Connect Norway, NTNU and Ruralis participated.

Read about it!

The project has resulted in reports, feasibility studies, tools and guides for sustainable change and business development. Download them here (text in swedish and norwegian)>>

The purpose of SMICE

The SMICE project was basically about business development, but was also aimed at individuals, companies and organizations. The great breadth has been motivated by the certainty that the transition to a circular economy must involve everyone. The project has tested different types of activities and methodology to be able to support and scale up ideas and development processes.


By working process-based and responsive together with entrepreneurs, the project has been able to support long-term sustainable development, both in business and society at large. The working method has consisted of strategic direction (adjustment), mobilization (of actors) and coordination (of actors, activities and financing). SMICE has had the role of a coaching, coordinated party, while we, based on direct response from the contractors, pushed for the development of support structures, such as regulations and financing.


Some conclusions

The project could clearly see how important it was that new sustainable entrepreneurs and ideas received support at an early stage, both financially and ideologically (strategic direction), as well as that existing businesses were given access to knowledge and support to be able to adapt. In order for the transition to a circular economy to take place quickly enough, increased knowledge and activity is needed within the entire innovation support system.


The project's role as coordinating party was very valuable in that the overall goal is about something as complex as social change. Within the project, we have been able to have an overview of existing systems, act in consultation with contractors while we have had the opportunity to influence the creation of new systems. In this way, the SMICE project has been able to contribute to increasing the speed of conversion to a circular economy.

What do we do now?

The project has contributed to new networks for exchange of knowledge and experience, new working methods and governing documents that support the transition to a circular economy - both regionally and in the Nordic region. Also, experiences from the project have formed the basis for several new spin-off projects and educations.

At the regional level, the work continues within the feasibility study Mobilization of circular economy Jämtland Härjedalen and a working group linked to the Environment and Climate Council's work for circular economy. The working group is open to everyone, email us for an invitation. Pre-study updates are available on Facebook >>

Learn more about SMICE
Contact us >>

Maja Blomqvist - Project Manager (SE)

Phone: +46 (0)63-14 65 48



Per-Erik Sørås - Project Manager (NO)

Phone: +47 (0) 74 17 52 07 / 906 12 450


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